Camping can be a great experience. However, in order to make sure that you have the best camping trip possible, you need to make sure that you have the right camping gear. Here are four must-have camping gear items from Sparks Overland. Keep reading to learn more and shop the rest of our camping equipment today!

One of the most important camping gear items that you can bring with you is a portable fire pit. A portable fire pit will allow you to enjoy a camping trip even if there is no campfire available. Additionally, a portable fire pit will also keep you warm and add some light to your camping trip. The Sparks Overland portable fire pit is the perfect camping gear item for your next camping trip. Our fire pit comes in multiple size options and is made to last with a heavy-duty 3/16th inch steel build.

Another great camping gear item to consider is an awning. An awning can provide you with some much-needed shade and protection from the sun and rain. The Sparks Overland 270 Degree Awning is a great option for your next camping trip. This awning features 129 square feet of freestanding covered shelter. Additionally, it has a 600D poly cotton rip-stop cover and is made with boxed aluminum rafters to help stand the test of time.

The Bamboo One Action table is a versatile and attractive camp table that sets up in seconds. Made from bamboo and aluminum, this beauty has telescoping legs to allow for three different heights, making it perfect for food prep, a dining table, camp chair side table, and more! It can even be lowered to accommodate small children. This versatile table can serve all manner of purposes, and many won’t take a trip without one!

A first aid kit is a must-have in case of any camping emergencies. The Rapid Response bag from Sparks Overland is the perfect first aid kit for your next camping trip. This kit comes with easy-to-use M.O.L.L.E. Straps with snaps at one end to attach to a belt up to 5″ wide. It can be worn in any other location with additional Alice clips (not included). It is a light weight quality designed bag with multiple compartments. This kit was custom designed by request of Elite military units desiring a more compact and light kit for their daily field operations and includes everything you could need in case of a medical emergency.
These are just four of the must-have camping gear items from Sparks Overland in Fort Collins that you need for your next camping trip. Be sure to check out the rest of our camping equipment today and get everything you need to have a great camping trip!